

在奥马哈出生和长大, 内布拉斯加州, 6月格林 is a mixed Chinese trans woman who is somehow still alive. 她是……的作者 我不写种族 (《民事应对机制》,2018) 我爱你它看起来像雨 (《MG游戏官方网站》,2017),以及 对某些人来说,每个人都是一个大虫子 (自费出版,20170. She is the co-founder of tenderness yea, tweets @unlovablehottie.


米凯拉·格兰瑟姆是《 混乱的新闻, an independent book publisher she runs with her brother Joseph Grantham. 紊乱出版小说, 小说, 诗歌, whatever they believe needs to be out there in beautiful book 为m--especially work that is difficult to categorize.

Kendall Michelle Daigle

Kendall Michelle Daigle (1994-2014) had a brilliant smile 和 an intellect to match. A native of 新奥尔良 born with a passion 为 words, 她很小的时候就开始写作了, viewed the world as her palette 为 human study. This anthology captures some of her unique thoughts, 希望, 和梦想, is a powerful testament to her talent as a writer 和 the promise she showed. 一个文学爱好者,一个人文爱好者, Kendall's dream was to make a difference in others' lives. When she discovered that she suffered from the disease of addiction, 这可能是绝症, 这把她吓坏了. While some of her poems muse at the thought of death, 事实上, she knew she had much left to accomplish in this life, 并认为这种可能性是深不可测的. Kendall recovered from her addiction only to have a short relapse that took her life a few days be为e her twentieth birthday. 上面这一卷是她工作的记录.


A. J. Gnuse是 墙上的女孩,由4th Estate和Ecco于2021年出版. He received an MFA in fiction from UNC Wilmington 和 was a Kenyon Review Peter Taylor fellow. 他的作品已在 《卫报》, 墨西哥湾沿岸, 洛杉矶评论, 段落北,及其他地点. 他是新奥尔良人,现居德克萨斯州.


凯特琳·凯彻姆是《mg游戏试玩》杂志的编辑总监, 礼物, 以及十速出版社的流行文化出版, an imprint of Penguin R和om House based in the San Francisco Bay Area. 专门从事插图非虚构作品的, 她收集并编辑有关艺术的书籍, 生活方式, 流行文化, 科学, 历史 ,自我完善, 以及社会公正, 还有图画小说和摄影书. With a decade of experience as a publishing professional, she has guided more than 70 authors through the publishing process 和 has acquired 和 edited numerous award-winning 和 bestselling books, 包括六个 纽约时报 畅销书.


乔纳森·阿兰是一名作家和编辑. 在大平原上出生长大, 他一直住在新奥尔良, 纽约, 埃及, 日本, Serbia 和 traveled in over thirty-five countries. 他的第一本书, 山线:穿越法国阿尔卑斯山之旅,于2017年出版.


凯瑟琳·莱西 is the author of four works of fiction: 没有人会失踪, The Answers, Certain American States, Pew. 她是2019年古根海姆研究员, 2016年怀廷奖的获得者, earned an artists' fellowship from the 纽约 Foundation 为 the Arts. 之一 格兰塔杂志的 “最佳美国青年小说家”," 和 she has been longlisted 为 the PEN/Jean Stein Award, 纽约警察局青年狮子奖, 并入围了迪伦·托马斯奖. She is shocked by 和 thankful 为 the translators who have made her books available in other languages. 她与福赛斯·哈蒙(Forsyth Harmon)合著 外遇的艺术, an illustrated guide to love 和 hate between dozens of twentieth century artists. 她出生在密西西比州,现在住在芝加哥.


E·马丁·诺兰是一位诗人、散文家和编辑. 他在 清教徒, where he’s also published numerous essays, interviews 和 blog posts. He teaches in the Engineering Communication Program at The University of Toronto, is a PhD C和idate in Applied Linguistics at York University. 在底特律出生和长大, he received his Bachelor’s Degree in English at MG游戏官方网站, received his Master’s in Creative Writing from the University of Toronto.

文森特一. Celluci——2005届毕业生

文森特一. Cellucci is a writer 和 the College of Art + Design’s Communication across the Curriculum Studio Coordinator at Louisiana State University. 他专门研究诗歌, 3D扫描打印, 数字文档, 投资发展, teaching 和 writing in the art 和 design disciplines. Vincent received his MFA from Louisiana State University, he attended MG游戏官方网站 to earn his Bachelor's degree in English Writing with a background in studio arts by cross-enrolling at Tulane University. In 2010, he collaborated with the Louisiana Division of the Arts to develop 和 host several Artist Communication Workshops.

A few of his publications include poems, translations, reviews in 美国最佳实验写作, 伯克利诗歌评论, 最佳美国诗歌, 精致的尸体, 《mg游戏试玩》, 新三角洲评论, 新奥尔良评论, 泽维尔审查, 摩瑞亚, 底座, 某某,某某,麦格, TENDER_LOIN, 蟾蜍吮吸评论. 一个容易死的地方 他的第一本诗集是吗. Cellucci contributed, edited, produced a collaborative (including Andrei Codrescu) audio novel, 卡特里娜十日谈, 2010年底在iTunes上发布的, 他是River Writers的创始人, 巴吞鲁日市中心的(弹出式)阅读系列.


佩顿·伯吉斯 is the author of the short story collection 煎锅是不够的. He is working on a novel 和 has published excerpts at 《MG游戏官方网站》, 锡屋在线, 嬉戏谷杂志, 另一个, 双体船文学读物. 其他作品也出现在 McSweeney的互联网趋势, 《mg游戏试玩》, 新奥尔良评论, 《MG游戏官方网站》, 7x7. He received his MFA in Creative Writing from 纽约 University 和 is pursuing his PhD in Education at Virginia Commonwealth University, where he also works as an instructional designer 和 creative writing instructor. 你可以在这里找到更多关于他的信息.


卢克·杰罗德·库默是一名作家兼编辑. 他的作品已在杂志上发表 纽约时报华盛顿邮报》新共和国华盛顿市的彭博商业周刊乡村之声, 数百万 以及其他出版物. 他2019年的历史小说, 蓝色时期, imagines the tragic events that colored the palette used by a young Pablo Picasso to paint somber portraits of shared suffering during the first years of the 20th century, be为e a shift to Cubism trans为med the artist into a celebrity. The book has been translated into two languages 和 featured in 文学的中心美国的方式. Kummer’s new storytelling project 为 Audible Originals is set to be released in 2021. He graduated from MG游戏官方网站 in 2002 with an English Writing degree.


玛丽·安妮·弗兰克斯, 法学教授和院长杰出学者, is a nationally 和 internationally recognized expert on the intersection of civil rights 和 technology. 她教授刑法课程, 刑事诉讼程序, 第一修正案, 第二修正案, 家庭法, 法律和技术. Professor Franks is also an Affiliated Faculty member of the University of Miami Department of Philosophy 和 an Affiliate Fellow of the Yale 法律 School In为mation Society Project (ISP).  Dr. 弗兰克斯是获奖书籍《 The Cult of the Constitution: Our Deadly Devotion to Guns 和 Free Speech (斯坦福出版社,2019). In 2020, she was awarded a grant from the Knight Foundation to support research 为 her second book, 无所畏惧的演说 (预计2022年). 她的奖学金出现在 《哈佛法律评论》, 加州法律评论, 加州大学洛杉矶分校法律评论除其他外. Dr. Franks has also authored numerous articles 为 the popular press, including the 纽约时报, 大西洋, 华盛顿邮报》, 《MG游戏官方网站》. She has delivered more than a hundred lectures to a range of audiences around the world, 包括法学院, 家庭暴力组织, 律师事务所, 科技公司. She was 命名 a member of the American 法律 Institute in October 2018.


凯文·拉尔是 《mg游戏试玩》是一部小说的联合编辑 小说的声音, Sacred Trespasses: A Loyola University Faculty Reader, 詹姆斯·索尔特对话. 他的写作和摄影作品曾在 锡的房子, 凯尼恩评论, 《洛杉矶书评, 澳大利亚, 新西兰的听众. 他有一个固定的专题系列 路易斯安那州的生活 magazine 和 teaches in the Department of English at MG游戏官方网站.


我叫Stephen Panus, 我是1995届法学院的毕业生, 我是《继续前行》的作者," which was selected by "Good Morning America" as their featured GMA Book Club Buzz pick 为 their April 20th show. I have received endorsements 和 testimonials from Rob Marciano (Good Morning America), 凯尔·勃兰特(NFL电视网/CBS体育), 伊恩·拉波波特(NFL电视网), Lindsay Czarniak(福克斯体育), 吉姆·罗马(CBS体育广播), 乔·德雷普(纽约时报), 马蒂·史密斯(ESPN), 哈里斯·帕斯蒂德, 在许多人当中. "走在" is an inspiring 和 emotionally powerful story that transcends grief, 损失, love 和 provides anyone suffering from any 为m of adversity or hardship with hope. 此外, it's an authentic story of a father who honors that "our vulnerability is our strength" 和 there为e takes the reader where few men have gone - to the raw underbelly of surviving the 损失 of his 16-year-old son suddenly 和 turning pain into purpose.

最值得信赖的, 权威的, 在出版界有影响力的声音, 柯克斯书评, 宣称《MG游戏官方网站》是一部“粗制滥作”的电影, moving memoir that deftly explores grief 和 hope in equal measure ... It is Panus’ unique 和 sometimes 诗人ic turns of phrase, 然而, 让杰克的故事栩栩如生 ... The author’s acknowledgment that grief is an 'unwelcome topic in our society' makes his willingness to tackle it head-on even more admirable."

三年半多一点以前, 我16岁的儿子, Jake (a rising junior at Fairfield Ludlowe HS in Fairfield, CT, 和一个足球和长曲棍球运动员),是一个 passenger in a vehicle when he was killed in a senseless 和 reckless crash on Block Isl和, 与他的女朋友和她的家人一起外出. 听到这个消息的那一刻,我的生活彻底崩溃了. 为了在这场毁灭灵魂的悲剧中幸存下来, 我开始写, 随着时间的推移, 太多的时间, 出现在我的书《mg游戏试玩》中." University of South Carolina Head Football Coach Shane Beamer wrote the Preface to the book. Jake's enduring legacy 和 the launch of the Jake Panus 走在 Scholarship funds have been chronicled nationally across the media over the last several years.


汤姆Molanphy grew up in central Texas 和 attended Loyola University in 新奥尔良. He moved to Spokane to work at a homeless shelter 和 to Belize to learn from Mayans. He earned his MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Montana 和 currently teaches at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. 他也是 跟随马特奥:在伯利兹寻找两年. 的部分 《安静生活的响亮回忆 以略有不同的形式出现在 红赭石, 主轴点刺, GlasschordFortyOunceBachelors.

小鲍勃·考瑟. ——1992届毕业生

小鲍勃·考瑟.他最近的一本书 Green Fields: Crime, Punishment, a Boyhood Between won "Best Memoir" from the Adirondack Center 为 Writers, an excerpt was cited in the Best American Essays 2012. 他的第一本书, 梦的季节,是一个 《纽约时报书评》 "Editor's Choice" 和 "Paperback Row" selection 和 was listed among the 高等教育编年史 最好的大学体育书籍. 考瑟也是 业务记录, a collection of coming-of-age essays, editor of Why We're Here: 纽约 Essayists on Living Upstate, his work has appeared widely in American literary magazines. 他是圣乔治大学的英语教授. 劳伦斯大学, where he teaches courses in nonfiction writing 和 American literature 和 was 命名 the 2012 Owen D. 优秀青年教师. He has taught abroad in France, Engl和, Denmark, in state 和 federal prisons.


马丁Pousson是一位小说家, 诗人, professor at Cali为nia State University Northridge, where he teaches in the Creative Writing Program 和 the Queer Studies Program. He was born 和 raised in the bayou l和 of Louisiana 和 earned a BA in English at MG游戏官方网站, 他被评为最优秀毕业生, a MFA in Creative Writing at Columbia University, where he won the inaugural School of the Arts Dean’s Fellowship Award. 他曾在哥伦比亚大学任教, Rutgers University 和 Loyola University be为e joining the faculty at CSUN. 他的第一部小说, 没有地方,路易斯安那州,是一个 finalist 为 the John Gardner Fiction Book Award, his first collection of 诗歌, ,是一个 finalist 为 the Lambda Literary Award in Gay Poetry. 他的第二部小说, 败家子, won the PEN Center USA Fiction Award 和 a National Endowment 为 the Arts Fellowship. The novel-in-故事 also was a finalist 为 the Simpson Family Literary Prize, 并在美国国家公共电台的《mg游戏试玩》节目中做了专题报道, 《洛杉矶时报文学精选, 被评为“百万夏日最佳恐怖片, 作为独立出版社必读书籍, as a finalist 为 the On 前 Down Under Book of the Year Award. 的故事 败家子 were selected 为 the annual Best Gay Stories 和 Best Gay Speculative Fiction anthologies. 在CSUN, he received an Outst和ing Faculty Award 为 Exceptional Creative Accomplishment, 卓越教学奖, 以及杰罗姆·里奇菲尔德学者奖. He has served as founding advisor of the Northridge Creative Writing Circle 和 as faculty advisor 为 LGBTQA, 酷儿大使, 以及有色人种酷儿委员会.

小乔治·毕晓普. ——1983届毕业生

小乔治·毕晓普., 拥有MG游戏官方网站的文学学士学位, an MFA from the University of North Carolina in Wilmington, an MA from the School 为 国际 Training in Vermont. He has lived 和 taught in Slovakia, Turkey, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, India, 日本. 他的第一部小说, 给女儿的信, was published by Ballantine Books in 2010; his second, 彗星之夜2013年,百龄坛(balantine)也推出了这款产品. 这个评论 命名 彗星 是“2013年最佳书籍”之一.”


约翰Biguenet is Professor Emeritus of English at MG游戏官方网站. 他出版了七本书,包括 牡蛎,一本小说,还有 折磨者的学徒:故事,在美国上映 Ecco /柯林斯 并且被广泛翻译. 他的作品受到好评 O. 亨利奖短篇小说 和 a Harper's Magazine Writing Award among other distinctions, 还有他的诗, 故事, 戏剧, 文章被转载或引用 最好的美国推理小说, 获奖故事:The O. 亨利奖, 美国最好的短篇小说, 美国当代诗歌最佳作曲奖, 舞台上的卡特里娜,以及其他各种选集.


霍莉·伊格莱西亚斯’ work includes three collections of 诗歌— 睡觉的事情 (按53), 接近角 (白松出版社)和 萎缩世界的纪念品 (韩国出版社)和一部批判性作品, 《盒子里的拳击:女性散文诗 (特性). In addition, she has translated the work of Cuban 诗人 Caridad Atencio. She has been awarded fellowships by the National Endowment 为 the Arts, 北卡罗来纳艺术委员会, 爱德华·阿尔比基金会, 以及马萨诸塞州文化委员会. 伊格莱西亚斯目前在纽约的艺术硕士项目任教

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